Please click here for details on the COMPLAINT PROCESS. Fields marked with a * on the complaint form below are required. Your Name* Company Name (if applicable) Address* City* State* Zip* Telephone Number* Fax Number Email Address* Name of Auctioneer* Company Name (if applicable) Address* City* State* Zip* Telephone* Fax Number Email Address* Is the “Auctioneer” Licensed?*YesNo Date of Sale or Services* Description of goods sold or services provided:* Did you sign a contract?*YesNo If so, on what date? Have you consulted an attorney?*YesNo If so, please provide the Attorney’s Name, Address, & Contact Information Below: Attorney’s Name Firm’s Name Address City State Zip Telephone Number Fax Number (if applicable) Email Address (if applicable) Is there currently any action pending as a result of the circumstances surrounding this complaint?*YesNo If so, please describe: Would you be willing to testify in an administrative proceeding held before the Board if deemed necessary?*YesNo Please explain the entire circumstances surrounding your complaint, including your attempts to rectify the situation with the auctioneer.* You must attach copies of all pertinent documents such as contracts, advertisements, cancelled check(s), receipts, etc. below:* Drag & Drop Files Here or Browse Files 0 of 5 Please indicate what documents were attached:*ContractAdvertisementsReceiptsCancelled ChecksList or Description of Consigned Articles / ItemsWritten Correspondence with Auctioneer Regarding ComplaintPhotos / VideosAdditional Relevant Documentation STATEMENT OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: I WISH TO FILE THIS COMPLAINT WITH YOUR OFFICE. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOUR OFFICE DOES NOT CONDUCT LITIGATION FOR INDIVIDUALS IN MATTERS WHICH INVOLVE PURELY PRIVATE CONTROVERSIES. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT I MAY LOSE THE RIGHT TO SUE ABOUT THIS MATTER ENTIRELY OR FOR PART OF WHAT I MIGHT BE ENTITLED TO IF I WAIT ON ACTION BY THE ALABAMA STATE BOARD OF AUCTIONEERS. I AM, HOWEVER, FILING THIS COMPLAINT TO NOTIFY YOUR OFFICE OF THE ACTIVITIES OF THIS PARTY AND TO SEEK ANY OTHER ASSISTANCE YOU MAY BE ABLE TO RENDER. I SOLEMNLY SWEAR OR AFFIRM THAT THE STATEMENTS MADE HEREIN AND ON ANY ATTACHMENTS HERETO ARE ACCURATE, COMPLETE, AND TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. Today's Date:* Disabled! To enable, check the acceptance field.